Two Pack Break -2012-13 Upper Deck Artifacts & Score Hockey

Yesterday, I found myself at Target with a few dollars to spend.  I couldn’t find much to spark my interest, but there was a decent selection of hockey cards at the front of the store, so I figured I grab a couple of packs.

I went with 2 different packs, at two different price points.

First up is a pack of 2012-13 Score.  I have already busted a few packs of this product here, but it’s pretty easy to buy 1 pack when they’re only 99 cents.

2012-13 Score Hockey Cards(pack)

I didn’t pull anything too exciting, but I got my 99 cent’s worth.

2012-13 Score Hockey Pack Break

7 cards per pack, with every pack containing a gold parallel.  I think the “Hot Rookies” are inserted in every other pack.  This is the third HR I’ve pulled out of 3 packs that I’ve bought.  So maybe they’re inserted in every pack, I dunno.  Not a bad looking set, but nothing we haven’t seen already.

2012-13 Upper Deck Artifacts Hockey cards(pack)

I decided that the second pack I would get would be of a higher quality.  And Upper Deck products are usually a very good quality.

I’ve purchased packs of Artifacts in the past, and I think it’s a consistently a nice looking release.  This cost $2.99 a pack, and you get 5 cards per pack.

2012-13 Upper Deck Hockey Pack Break

The Bobby Orr is a first for me, as I don’t have many older hockey cards(and the ones that I do, aren’t of Orr’s caliber).  Patrick Kane isn’t too shabby, and even though I hate the Devils, Kovalchuk can be amazing to watch.  I don’t actively pursue any of his cards, but I’ll put his cards aside, if I pull them.

I actually wish that I would’ve bought another pack or 2 of these, that’s how much I like these.  Not bad for $4 spent.