1991-92 Team Pinnacle – Brett Hull

By today’s standards, this doesn’t look like much.  But back in 1991, this was a really nice pull!

1991-92 Team Pinnacle B-12 Brett Hull (front)

Pinnacle was one of the more “high-end” products of the time.  Throughout the early and mid-nineties, the Team Pinnacle inserts were cards you never pulled too often.  I’m not sure if I pulled this or what, because I’ve owned it since my teenage collecting years.  I know it’s not a card I would’ve sought out, as I’m not much of a (Brett) Hull collector.

1991-92 Team Pinnacle B-16 Brett Hull (back)

If you look towards the bottom of the card, you’ll see the bar code that gave this brand part of it’s high-end reputation.

Looking at the card now makes me want to actually try and collect the set.  If cost doesn’t prohibit that, I may just do that.

Team Pinnacle cards in later series had a player on both sides of the card.  Those were pretty cool as well, and I might have one I can share in the future(I’ll have to look into that).